Social Activity: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner?!
Thank you for a super turnout to the March Business Meeting.  Matt Fetrow, guest speaker, was great and his power point presentation on the humongous screen was awesome!!  The International District Public Library is quite impressive!!!  Thank you, Michael, for suggesting the venue.
Our April social event:  Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner?! will not only be a surprise for everyone participating but fun too!
Date:  Saturday, April 15, 2023
Time:  4:00 pm
Currently, 12 members have signed up with 4 volunteering to host!  Thank you soooo much!  
The host will open his/her home to a group of members (guests) who will be bringing a side dish, dessert, salad, or drinks to accompany  the main entree’ provided by the host/ess.  Guests will be assigned what they will take to the dinner and provided the address of where dinner will be held.  No names will be disclosed.
This is a great opportunity for new members to get to know the members of Friendship Force and be able to ask questions regarding the organization.
Please RSVP indicating you wish to participate in Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner NO LATER than Friday, April 7.
Those who signed up already do not need to RSVP.
Let’s have a great turnout!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!