May Newsletter has a summary of upcoming events – check it out!


Future Meetings:

June 24:  Movie – Singing Revolution.  A Single Nation,  A Million Voices, The Fall of an Empire. The story of how Estonians kept their identity and resisted the USSR through a rich tradition of song.

Time:   3:30-5:30 p.m.

Place:  International District Library  7601 Central Avenue NE

Restaurant:  TBD

July 8:  Interesting Talk – One of our club members will speak about his participation in a Rotarian mission to India to vaccinate children against polio.

Time:   4:00-5:30 p.m.

Place:  International District Library  7601 Central Ave. NE

Restaurant:  TBD

 August 12:  Wine and Cheese – Time: 4:00pm-6:00pm. For information and directions to the host home, please contact the General Information Contact or the Event Coordinator Contact. Thanks!

 September 9:   Tentative program – One of our club members will discuss his latest mystery novel.

Time:   4:00-5:00 p.m.

Place:  International District Library  7601 Central Ave. NE

Restaurant:  TBD

Thank you to our Event Coordinator for having arranged and organized all of FFNM’s events.