Let’s Eat Out (LEO) at Mykonos!
Deliciously Greek!
Make your reservations!
Sunday Specials: 3 Course Meals @ $13.95
You are invited to join Friendship Force on its June social function at Mykonos Greek Restaurant!
Bring a friend, the food is considered some of the healthiest ethnic food in the world, Greek cuisine relies heavily on olive oil, lemon, yogurt, goat cheese, fresh herbs and wine!
Date: Sunday, June 23, 2019
Time: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Place: 5900 Eubank Blvd. NE - 505-291-1116
RSVP: vets4vets@aol.com or call 505-710-4448 (Berta) no later than
Thursday, June 20, 2019
FYI: (l) separate checks will be given (2) ALL drinks are extra
Prepare to have a fun and an enjoyable afternoon!
See you there!
Berta/Membership Development