Final opportunity — Friendship Force picnic

Let’s celebrate the end of summer at Elena Gallegos Park with a Potluck Picnic!!
FINAL opportunity to join us for our August social event!
Date: Sunday, August 19, 2018
Time: 5-8 pm
Place: Elena Gallegos Double Shelter Park
7100 Tramway Blvd. NE
RSVP: Berta Wagstaff at or text: 505-710-4448

This is a potluck! Those whose last names begin with A-I, please bring an appetizer; J-R, y’all bring a side dish; and S-Z, bring dessert!!

Deadline: Please RSVP no later than Friday, August 17

Bring a friend!

Come early and play a game of horseshoes!!

Your participation is very much appreciated as well as your assistance in increasing our membership!! Suggestions are always welcomed!!

Berta Wagstaff, Membership Development Chair

Aug. 15, 2018