FFNM social events for 2020

I need your help!!
We would like your input regarding the social events for 2020. Our goal is to offer social events that will attract the most attendance. Currently, the following have been suggested:
Progressive Brunch or Dinner Theater International Restaurant
Wine & cheese Picnic Ice Cream social
Bunco Wine tasting party Happy Hour Potluck
Gambling party Chili cook off Lunch in Santa Fe
Big event party such as Kentucky Derby party,
Please email me at vets4vets@aol.com or text/call 505-710-4448 (m) with your suggestions no later than Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The list will be voted on at the party where the majority of our members will be in attendance!
Your support is very much appreciated!

Adopt a Family; Christmas/holiday event

Greetings, Friends!
You are invited to the Christmas/Holiday event:
Date: Saturday, December 7, 2019
Time: 11:30-2:00
Place: 9303 Topanga Ct. – John Farris’ home – 505-250-6116 (m)
RSVP: Berta at vets4vets@aol.com or call/text at 505-710-4448 (m)
***Maximum Occupancy – 40***
Make your reservations no later than Wednesday, December 4, 2019
This year a family has been adopted from Barrett House, a temporary shelter for homeless women and children. The family consists of Mom, Cynthia, and her 3 children: Marquise, age 14; Portia, 12; and Alanah, age 11. The families were asked for their wish list .
ATTACHED is the family’s wish list.
PLEASE do the following:
1. email Berta at vets4vets@aol.com or text/call Berta at 505-710-4448 and RSVP for the Christmas/Holiday event. 2. Indicate what gift you are bringing (to avoid duplicates) 3. Should you prefer to provide a monetary gift, all monies will be used to purchase items from the wish list that are still needed. 4. Everything should be wrapped, if possible, and tagged with the recipient’s first name. 5. Include gift receipts for clothing. 6. Bring your gift(s) to the Christmas/Holiday event. The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on our blessings and seek out ways to make life better for those around us. I look forward to seeing y’all at John Farris’ home for the Christmas/Holiday event!! Let’s make it the best ever! Berta

FFNM Bristol, England, journey

From Nancy Galbraith:
Greetings Fellow Travelers,

Our club has been given the opportunity to travel and stay in Bristol England in Sept. 2020. The date for this journey is Sept 9- 16. 2020. I have contacted several of the clubs in the surrounding cities of England hoping to gain an extra week journey for us. I was unsuccessful in getting any clubs to want to host us. I also reached out to the FFI contact person for Europe and Great Britain and they also said that no other clubs have availability to host us a second week. So…..This email is a 2 fold inquiry. Are you interested in the Bristol England journey? Would you also be interested in extending your time in the south of England for an additional 5 days in the town of Salisbury after our stay in Bristol? Salisbury is approximately an 1.5 hour train ride from Bristol. Salisbury would be a central location to visit some of the points in the surrounding areas such as: Stonehenge, Old Sarum Salisbury Cathedral. National Museum of Royal Navy Arundells Mompesson House Avebury. Windsor Castle and Eton (extended train ride) possibility??? I have not planned out the exact itinerary yet for those 5 days but as you can see from the list there is many historical sites and national trust places to visit. I learned about lodging in Salisbury called Sarum College. The accommodations are very reasonable and would include breakfast. The cost for a single room is 77 pounds ($99) per night or shared room 55 pounds($71) per night. This college is located very close to the Cathedral and I understand that other FFI clubs have stayed with them in the past. Sept. is a busy time of year for them and so they are asking me to reserve the rooms now to ensure that we get that time frame. This reservation would require a deposit. This seems like a very budget minded way to extend our time in Southern England. As a side note I did contact a travel company that FFI Atlanta recommended and they were quoting me approximately $250.00 per day for visiting this area or Devon/Cornwall part of England. That price did include two meals and a guide. So what I need to know ASAP from each of you is the following: Are you interested in the Bristol exchange? Are you interested in doing a second stay in Salisbury for 5


Please get back to me immediately with your responses. 0splash99@gmail.com Thank You, Nancy Galbraith