NM Friendship Force September luncheon

Phil Moskal, one of our members, is our guest speaker for September, and will share his adventures in Cambodia.
Phil was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. He earned a B.A. in Liberal Arts from DePaul University and a M.A. in Special Education from Northeastern Illinois University. He taught intellectually disabled children. He also earned
endorsements to teach learning disabled and behaviorally challenged children.
Phil retired three years ago with a passion for travel. One of his most recent trips was to Vietnam and Cambodia! Phil loves to connect with people in the communities he visits as well as get an insider’s view of the country’s customs first hand! Friendship Force was a perfect fit for him!
Phil will be sharing his trip to Cambodia.

Cambodia is home to Ankor Wat, the largest religious monument in the world, and this slide presentation will delve into its history and explore surrounding temples. In addition to looking at the past, a look at modern life in the area, as well as the floating villages of Tonle Sap Lake and the effect the Khmer Rouge Zero Years had on the people and country will be addressed.

Let’s have a great turnout!

Please make your reservations no later than Wednesday, September 5, by calling or texting Berta Wagstaff at 710-4448 or emailing her at vets4vets@aol.com.

PLACE: Ramada Midtown (formerly Eleganté Hotel )

ADDRESS: 2020 Menaul Blvd. NE

DATE: Saturday, September 8, 2018

TIME: 11:30 am

COST: $14.00 per person (Checks, made out to FFNM, are preferred)

NOTE: The Club must pay the hotel for all reservations. If you make a reservation and do not attend, you will be billed $14.00 for each reservation.

Berta Wagstaff, Membership Development Chair

Final opportunity — Friendship Force picnic

Let’s celebrate the end of summer at Elena Gallegos Park with a Potluck Picnic!!
FINAL opportunity to join us for our August social event!
Date: Sunday, August 19, 2018
Time: 5-8 pm
Place: Elena Gallegos Double Shelter Park
7100 Tramway Blvd. NE
RSVP: Berta Wagstaff at vets4vets@aol.com or text: 505-710-4448

This is a potluck! Those whose last names begin with A-I, please bring an appetizer; J-R, y’all bring a side dish; and S-Z, bring dessert!!

Deadline: Please RSVP no later than Friday, August 17

Bring a friend!

Come early and play a game of horseshoes!!

Your participation is very much appreciated as well as your assistance in increasing our membership!! Suggestions are always welcomed!!

Berta Wagstaff, Membership Development Chair

Aug. 15, 2018

FFI 2019 International Conference

Every member of our club is invited to the International Conference in Boulder Colorado next year: July 23-27, 2019. Club members from around the world will be attending and it will be an opportunity for our club to represent Friendship Force New Mexico and build relationships for future international travel. The committee is asking for individuals who are interested in attending the conference to host 3-4 day pre or post journeys for people from around the world to see our unique land. This is an option and not mandatory to attending the World Conference. If you are interested in attending or hosting please send me an email and I will forward our numbers to the organizers. As details become available, I will send them to our club members. In Friendship, Mark Vaughan