United States e-flyer for March

eFlyer: United States
The U.S. eFlyer is a place to find information about domestic Journeys within the United States, undersubscribed U.S. outbound Journeys, and occasional regional conferences and special events. The Journeys listed in the U.S. eFlyer are open to all ambassadors, representing some of the many places where you can experience new cultures and expand your global circle of friends.
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World Friendship Day

In celebration of the wonderful gift of friendship on this special day, we’re excited to unveil an animated video that highlights the foundation of friendship that fuels our mission. Click below to watch the English version of the video and to share this message with your friends and loved ones (links for other languages can be found below). We have included a download link on the video page, in case you need it.
Watch the Video

Global Art and Bumba Meu Boi Festival in Brazil

Journey Coordinator Invitation
Global Art and Bumba Meu Boi Festival in Brazil
June 6 to 20, 2019
My name is Mary Jane DeVault, a member of FF Greater Orlando, Florida, and I am the Journey Coordinator for the upcoming Global Journey to the North of Brazil. Brazil is very special to me, I lived in the south for several years and return as often as possible.
The adventure will consist of two seven-night homestays with FF Fortaleza and FF São Luís. I visited the Fortaleza club in 2015, and I know first hand how gracious and fun-loving these people can be.
Your hosts in Fortaleza will keep you busy showing your their beaches, art, markets, and much more. They will take us on an overnight stay at a hotel in a quaint fishing village. There we can watch the sunset from atop of the sand dunes. Those who wish to can take dune buggy rides along the beaches which is fun. Learning a Brazilian dance with my new friends left me with a special memory.

We will fly to our next club – FF São Luís. Here we will have a very special cultural experience attending the Bumba Meu Boi, a folklore story presented with song and dance. Best of all, we will get to enjoy it with our hosts! This is an event I am certainly looking forward to seeing for the first time.
The most difficult part of the Journey will be saying goodbye to our new Brazilian friends. The people and beauty of this place will capture your heart! There are not many spaces left on this Journey, so please contact me if you are interested! In friendship, Mary Jane DeVault, Journey Coordinator FF Greater Orlando, Florida, USA mjdevault@gmail.com
View this Journey on the Catalog and Apply Today!
Journey dates: June 6 to 20, 2019. The cost of this Journey is $1300 USD and includes: FFI and host fees, domestic flight from Fortaleza to São Luís.