Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner Event Held 4-15-23

A good time was had by most. Whoops! Who didn’t have a good time?  Well…that should be obvious…the ones who didn’t attend! Mystery guests and mystery hosts played out for a grand adventure, even for the few who may have figured out where they were going.  Great food! Great company! Check out the smiling faces.

**REMINDER*** Friendship Force: April Social Get Together – Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner?

Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner?!
Thank you for a super turnout to the March Business Meeting.  Matt Fetrow, guest speaker, was great and his power point presentation on the humongous screen was awesome!!  The International District Public Library is quite impressive!!!  Thank you, Michael, for suggesting the venue.
Our April social event:  Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner?! will not only be a surprise for everyone participating but fun too!
Date:  Saturday, April 15, 2023
Time:  4:00 pm
This is a great opportunity for new members to get to know the members of Friendship Force and be able to ask questions regarding the organization.
Please RSVP via the web site under the heading “FF New Mexico Contacts – Club Event” indicating you wish to participate in Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner NO LATER than Friday, April 7 and whether you would host (open your home to 4-6 members and provide the main entree’)
Currently, 12 members have signed up with 4 volunteering to host!  Thank you soooo much!  
The host will open his/her home to a group of members (guests) who will be bringing a side dish, dessert, salad, or drinks to accompany  the main entree’ provided by the host/ess.  Guests will be assigned what they will take to the dinner and provided the address of where dinner will be held.  No names will be disclosed.
Those who already signed up do not need to RSVP.
We hope to have a great turnout!

May Business Meeting

I am excited about our May business meeting – a tour of Los Poblanos!
The tour will be approximately 1 hour and will cover the Historic Inn and Organic Farm.  There is a limit of 20 people on the tour.  It will be on a first come basis.  There are currently 9 who have already signed up.  Los Poblanos has made an exception for Friendship Force by extending the number on the tour and even offering a tour to the public!!  The tours are reserved primarily for their guests at the Inn!  So take advantage of this rare opportunity and make my day with a great turnout!!  This will be EXTRAordinary!
In the interim, I will check to see what restaurants are near Los Poblanos for breakfast and perhaps those that wish to have breakfast prior to the tour will be able to do so with an opportunity to visit with each other!  I will check with the Inn but I’ve been told they are not able to handle a large group; I will keep you posted.  Anyone that has a restaurant to suggest near Los Poblanos, let me hear from you!!
Date:  May 13
Time:  11:30 am
Place:  Los Poblanos – 4803 Rio Grande Blvd. NW, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque
Cost:  $15/person*  NO REFUNDS
RSVP:  No later than Tuesday, May 9 unless we sell out before then!Please contact FF New Mexico Contacts – Event Contact, for more information and for information on how to pay for this event.*