Outbound Journey to North Carolina

The Magnolia Hotel was once one of the few places blacks could stay during discriminatory times in Greensboro; listed in the “Green Book” of hotels

With the Charlotte Club at a welcome party
North Carolina has its own wines

Famous blacks who fought for integration
The famous Woolworth’s where black students integrated the coffee counter is now part of a Civil Rights Museum
The sprawling RJ Reynolds estate was amazing


A small contingent of the Albuquerque Friendship Force club members traveled to North Carolina in June. The Journey included our ambassadors being hosted by members of the Friendship Force of Charlotte for one week, followed by a second week hosted by members of the Friendship Force of Central North Carolina. Both clubs extended warm southern hospitality and le long lasting friendships were quickly established. Both of the hosting clubs planned many wonderful places to visit and everyone enjoyed learning the history of the area. Some of the highlights of the trip include visits to a local winery, first documented gold mine in the U.S., a tour of the R.J. Reynolds lovely estate, seeing the Woolworth’s where the challenge of “White Only” was met and successfully fought and a tour of the old Salem Historical District.  Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment:


July Meeting

The July meeting was held at the International Library on east Central Ave. NE. promptly at 4:00pm. Following a short business meeting, we were treated to a slide talk by Dr. David Ring covering his 2019 trip to India with the Rotarians to administer oral polio vaccines to the children. Dr. Ring provided a running commentary on his trip plus much information on other various Rotarian good will projects. Of much interest was the free one-day clinic to provide prosthetics to local residents, installation of public toilets, other vaccine programs (including follow-up dosages), and quite a bit of general background information about the local population, food, politics and other concerns.  Everyone enjoyed the program and we adjourned on time.  Following the program, a large number of attendees dined at  a local Mexican restaurant.

June Social

 Club members enjoyed watching a great movie at the International District Public Library,  The movie, The Singing Revolution, was chosen by one of our newest members. Thanks to Tom for suggesting the movie. He has just returned from a trip to Estonie and will share his thoughts about his trip prior to the commencement of the movie.   
The Singing Revolution is an inspiring true story of how the Estonian people peacefully regained their freedom–and helped topple an empire along the way!  Between 1987 and 1991, hundreds of thousands of Estonians gathered publicly to sing forbidden patriotic songs and share protest speeches, risking their lives to proclaim their desire for independence.  A story of how culture saved the nation!
After the movie, many headed over to enjoy dinner at the restaurant Cafe Da Lat, a Vietnamese restaurant offering the very best in Vietnamese cuisine! 
Of additional interest:  Elections are coming up and encourage those who are contacted to run for an office to say YES!  The success of our Club depends on YOU, our members.