FFNM virtual luncheon Sept. 12

August 30, 2020

How’s it going?!  We have a virtual luncheon to look forward to scheduled for Saturday, September 12.
Our featured speaker is Chief Peter Heald, co-founder and co-chair of the New Mexico chapter of Climate Reality, an international organization whose mission is to engage leaders and citizens to take urgent action to cut greenhouse gas emissions and speed the global shift to renewables.
July 2020 was the warmest month on record. Nine of the ten hottest years on record have occurred since 2000. It’s clear that climate change is  here, it is happening now!  What does it mean for us in NM? Heald will talk about what can be done on a personal, community, regional and global level. Specific climate related issues that face New Mexico as well as problems that all of humanity will face will be discussed.  The presentation will focus on a range of solutions.

Please make your reservations no later than Thursday,  September 10, by calling or texting Berta Wagstaff at 505-710-4448 or emailing her at vets4vets@aol.com.

PLACE:       In the comfort of your home!

DATE:         Saturday, September 12, 2020

TIME:              11:30 am

Your support is very much appreciated!

A World of Friends is a world of PEACE

Farewell dinner for New Hampshire Seacoast ambassadors

Friendship Force of New Mexico
the Friendship Force of the New Hampshire Seacoast!
Friends, you are invited to join the members who are participating in the journey to farewell the Ambassadors from New Hampshire.
The farewell is a western theme, with BBQ, line dancing, and lots of camaraderie!!
Come join us:
Date: Monday, Oct 21, 2019
Time: 6:00 pm
Place: 805 Suzanne Lane SE – Four Hills Subdivision
Ginger Grossetete’s home
Cost: $15 – Ambassadors & Home Hosts are excluded. Please make your
check payable to FFNM and mail no later than Thursday, Oct l7 to
Berta Wagstaff
PO Box 66775, Albuquerque, NM 87193
RSVP: no later than Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 to vets4vets@aol.com, or call Berta
Wagstaff at 505-710-4448 and let her know the “check is in the mail.”
Space is limited. First come basis.
NOTE: The Club must pay thecaterer for all reservations. If you make a reservation and do not attend, you will be billed $15.00 for each reservation.
This is a great opportunity to wear your Western apparel, boots, broom skirts and show off your turquoise jewelry!
See y’all there!
Berta Wagstaff