Faces not places


Travel remains on hold. Stay-at-home orders are in effect globally. The FFI staff wants to take some of the distance out of “social distancing.” So, from our own homes, here we are to give you a brief look into who we are and how we support the members, clubs, and Journeys that make up Friendship Force!
Click on each staff member’s picture below to view their short video!


Friendship Force is not just a job, it is a huge part of each of our lives. We strongly believe in the mission and hope to continue to promote the values of FFI for years to come.
COVID-19 has impacted all of us, members and staff alike. Let’s all counter the fear and isolation with kindness, hope, and understanding.
MAKE SOMEONE’S DAY! Call, text, or email a friend and let them know you are thinking about them! You never know who may need the boost!


Covid-19 impact on Friendship Force International

A Note on COVID-19’s Impact of Friendship Force

Dear Friends,

The impact of COVID-19 on Friendship Force clubs and headquarters is undeniable. As an organization whose existence depends on members participating in Journeys, our income has very nearly been erased. Furloughing staff, reducing hours, eliminating all expenses, and suspending our projects will help us continue without Journey revenue for a few more months, but it falls woefully short to see us through this pandemic. In a massive effort to coordinate efforts between your Board of Directors, Field Representatives, club leaders and others, a fundraising initiative will be launching in your region soon. A full report on the impact, including Journey cancellations, our financial position, and answers to all your questions, is a part of this effort. In the days to come, you may hear from your regional leaders about ways in which you can support FFI through this difficult time, and I thank you in advance for taking the time to consider them. As always, but especially now, stay safe, stay sane, and if there is anything our staff, Board, or I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. In friendship,

Jeremi Snook, President/CEO


Changes due to Covid-19

Notes from Bill Bertenshaw, president

As all of you are aware, the spread of the Coronavirus has made significant changes in all of our plans.

Following is the latest news regarding our club activities.

1. The March 14 luncheon was cancelled — The speaker has been re-scheduled for the Nov. 14th luncheon

2. FFI has cancelled ALL Journeys until after May 31

3. Cedar Rapids Journey to FFNM has been cancelled

4. The Wine and Cheese event scheduled for April 27 is cancelled

5. Penticton-Okanagan, Canada, club has cancelled our club planned Outbound Journey to them

6. Our Outbound Journey to Saskatoon, Canada, is scheduled for June 18-25. All preliminary arrangements have been made and Saskatoon is hoping that the threat of the virus will have passed and they can host us. Diane Rand, Phil Moskal and Lori Enright are our Journey Coordinators and are staying current with the situation and in contact with Saskatoon.

7. Nancy Galbraith is our Journey Coordinator to Bristol, England, September 9-16. No specific information on that trip at this time

8. Greater Hamilton – Burlington, Canada, is scheduled to visit us October 21-28 and go to Phoenix for their 2nd week. This is a firm trip and we NEED A JOURNEY COORDINATOR.

9. FFI has sent our club their Domestic Journey assignments for 2021. They are Outbound: Southern New Jersey, USA, and Inbound: National Capitol Area.USA

The club will be in touch when there is more news.

Stay Well

Bill Bertenshaw President