United States e-Flyer for February

Explore the world with Friendship Force.
eFlyer: United States
The U.S. eFlyer is a place to find information about domestic Journeys within the United States, undersubscribed U.S. outbound Journeys, and occasional regional conferences and special events. The Journeys listed in the U.S. eFlyer are open to all ambassadors, representing some of the many places where you can experience new cultures and expand your global circle of friends.
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Friendship Force of New Mexico updates

Thank you to the 37 attendants who graced us with their presence at our first luncheon meeting of the year on 1/12/19. We had 10 guests and they along with our members enjoyed an interesting, informative and fun presentation on Curanderismo – Traditional Healing in the Southwest by Dr. Cheo Torres.

We introduced our new board members and recognized past president, board member, hosts, journey participants, etc. whose efforts help to not only sustain our NM FF club but keep it thriving!

The Goals for 2019 are to grow our communication channels, form a phone tree, build new membership, create a new membership directory, increase participation and continue to have fun and make new friends.

Coming events:

February 10 – Chinese New Year Celebration

February 16 – Social – Getting to the Heart of Friendship Force 3-5:00 at the home of Alicia and Roland Fletcher. Please RSVP to Berta.

March 9 – Luncheon Meeting – Topic – International Habitat for Humanity with Jeanne and Thomas Elmhorst

April 13 – Social – Scenic Hike organized by Tom Seamon

May 10-17 – Incoming Journey – Sunshine Coast of Australia – Lenore Pardee and Judith Mead – Journey Coordinators

June 1-7 – Outbound Journey to Toronto – Chery Lehmberg Coordinator and June 9-15 Outbound Journey to Coastal New Hampshire – Nancy Galbraith – Coordinator – more information soon to come for those who have signed up and turned in their applications. There may be room for a few more participants.

Welcoming new FFI board members

A Note of Welcome from the 2019 Board Chair

Dear friends, As you may all know, the governance of our wonderful organization is overseen by a group of 12 dedicated, enthusiastic individuals whose one goal is to maintain a healthy, rewarding Friendship Force so that it continues to thrive and expand well into the future. Each year, several members step down from the Board and a new group is appointed. We are proud to announce this year’s new appointees:

Please visit the Board of Directors page of our FFI website and take a moment or two to read the biographies of these enthusiastic members – and the other nine Board of Directors members too. Don’t be afraid to make yourselves known to us at conferences or on Journeys – we need to know what you are thinking.

In friendship, Bobbie Mulholland Adelaide, Australia 2019 Board Chair