Friendly reminder — June social at Mykonos
I have been advised Mykonos must receive the number of people attending no later than Sunday,
June 16. Let me hear from you at your earliest opportunity!!!
Let’s Eat Out (LEO) at Mykonos!
Deliciously Greek!
Make your reservations!
Sunday Specials: 3 Course Meals @ $13.95
You are invited to join Friendship Force on its June social function at Mykonos Greek Restaurant!
Bring a friend, the food is considered some of the healthiest ethnic food in the world, Greek cuisine relies heavily on olive oil, lemon, yogurt, goat cheese, fresh herbs and wine!
Date: Sunday, June 23, 2019
Time: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Place: 5900 Eubank Blvd. NE - 505-291-1116
RSVP: vets4vets@aol.com or call 505-710-4448 (Berta) no later than
Sunday, June 16, 2019
FYI: (l) separate checks will be given (2) ALL drinks are extra
Prepare to have a fun and an enjoyable afternoon!
See you there!
Berta/Membership Development
U.S. e-flyer for June