Outgoing Journey – Pikes Peak Region FF

We’ve been asked to share the following information with club members. Please contact the coordinators as soon as possible if you are interested in participating.

Pikes Peak Region Friendship Force Club has 5 vacancies on our upcoming journey to Harrisburg, PA and Washington, DC with an optional tour of Philadelphia for two days added on the front of the journey. We fly to Philadelphia on Oct 16th, tour there Oct 16-18; travel to Harrisburg via Amish country Oct 19; stay with Harrisburg hosts Oct 19-24; travel to DC Oct 25; stay with DC hosts Oct 25-31 and return home on Nov 1. We welcome any of your members who would like to join us on a first come, first served basis. Interested members should contact Brian or Jeanne Marsh, Ambassador Coordinators by July 31st.

(719) 590-7237 Home

(719) 650-0283 Brian Cell

(719) 299-1708 Jeanne Cell

Steve Tindell

Pikes Peak Region Friendship Force Club



Social Activity

A World of Friends is a World of Peace!
We had another good turnout for our July business meeting.  Thank you very much!!
 Last year our Wine & Cheese event was so much fun, let’s do it again by inviting a friend from another country to join us.  This does not preclude anyone from inviting a friend who is not from another country, all are welcome!! 
 One of our new members is opening her home for the event and it is very much appreciated!!
Come for a great afternoon of getting reacquainted, meeting new members, enjoying food and drink!
Please make your reservations no later than Thursday,  August 10, 2023, by calling or texting Berta Wagstaff at 505-710-4448 or emailing her at vets4vets@aol.com.
When you RSVP, please indicate what you will be bringing: Wine, Appetizer or Dessert. Host address and other details will be provided to everyone who responds. Thanks!!!
Looking forward to a good time among friends!!!

Outbound Journey to North Carolina

The Magnolia Hotel was once one of the few places blacks could stay during discriminatory times in Greensboro; listed in the “Green Book” of hotels

With the Charlotte Club at a welcome party
North Carolina has its own wines

Famous blacks who fought for integration
The famous Woolworth’s where black students integrated the coffee counter is now part of a Civil Rights Museum
The sprawling RJ Reynolds estate was amazing


A small contingent of the Albuquerque Friendship Force club members traveled to North Carolina in June. The Journey included our ambassadors being hosted by members of the Friendship Force of Charlotte for one week, followed by a second week hosted by members of the Friendship Force of Central North Carolina. Both clubs extended warm southern hospitality and le long lasting friendships were quickly established. Both of the hosting clubs planned many wonderful places to visit and everyone enjoyed learning the history of the area. Some of the highlights of the trip include visits to a local winery, first documented gold mine in the U.S., a tour of the R.J. Reynolds lovely estate, seeing the Woolworth’s where the challenge of “White Only” was met and successfully fought and a tour of the old Salem Historical District.  Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment: