Adopt a Family; Christmas/holiday event

Greetings, Friends!
You are invited to the Christmas/Holiday event:
Date: Saturday, December 7, 2019
Time: 11:30-2:00
Place: 9303 Topanga Ct. – John Farris’ home – 505-250-6116 (m)
RSVP: Berta at or call/text at 505-710-4448 (m)
***Maximum Occupancy – 40***
Make your reservations no later than Wednesday, December 4, 2019
This year a family has been adopted from Barrett House, a temporary shelter for homeless women and children. The family consists of Mom, Cynthia, and her 3 children: Marquise, age 14; Portia, 12; and Alanah, age 11. The families were asked for their wish list .
ATTACHED is the family’s wish list.
PLEASE do the following:
1. email Berta at or text/call Berta at 505-710-4448 and RSVP for the Christmas/Holiday event. 2. Indicate what gift you are bringing (to avoid duplicates) 3. Should you prefer to provide a monetary gift, all monies will be used to purchase items from the wish list that are still needed. 4. Everything should be wrapped, if possible, and tagged with the recipient’s first name. 5. Include gift receipts for clothing. 6. Bring your gift(s) to the Christmas/Holiday event. The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on our blessings and seek out ways to make life better for those around us. I look forward to seeing y’all at John Farris’ home for the Christmas/Holiday event!! Let’s make it the best ever! Berta