Fall 2023 Club News Update

At the September meeting, officers for 2024 were elcted. David Ring, President; Carolyn Rigirozzi, Vice President; Lenore Pardee, Treasurer’ and Sue Bowersock, Secretary. Thanks to all who volunteered or who were strong-armed into serving! We appreciate your continued assistance to our club. Thank you!

A new basic, updated membership directory has been updated and will be sent with renewal notices in November. It is a plain-Jane directory, but one which will suffice until such time as we can put together something a litle bit better.  We plan a new directory, including photes, to be prepared in 2024.

FFNM welcomes two new members: Dorene Hughes and Tom Lehman.  It’s wonderful to have these new members. Please take the time to seek them out and welcome them to our club.

Outbound Journeys – 2024

Two outbound Journeys are planned:

The first is an Outbound Journey to Medicine Hat, Canada from June 18 to June 25, 2024.  We hosted the Medicine Hat club in April this year. A Journey Coordinator is needed. Please consider assisting our club with this Journey. Thanks!

The second Outbound Journey that is plann in in 2024 is a journey to Columbus, Ohio. Nancy Galbraith is the Journey Coordinator. Date TBD. More info will be forthcoming about this journey as facts and precise dates are known.

Proposed Incoming Journey

FFNM has submitted a proposal to host a group from Uzbedistan under the Open World Program associated with FFI. It would take place in April 2024 and would center on the group learning about tourism promotion from NM businesses and programs. Our current FFNM President would be the co-cordinator. More info about this will be forthcoming.