Final opportunity — Friendship Force picnic

Let’s celebrate the end of summer at Elena Gallegos Park with a Potluck Picnic!!
FINAL opportunity to join us for our August social event!
Date: Sunday, August 19, 2018
Time: 5-8 pm
Place: Elena Gallegos Double Shelter Park
7100 Tramway Blvd. NE
RSVP: Berta Wagstaff at or text: 505-710-4448

This is a potluck! Those whose last names begin with A-I, please bring an appetizer; J-R, y’all bring a side dish; and S-Z, bring dessert!!

Deadline: Please RSVP no later than Friday, August 17

Bring a friend!

Come early and play a game of horseshoes!!

Your participation is very much appreciated as well as your assistance in increasing our membership!! Suggestions are always welcomed!!

Berta Wagstaff, Membership Development Chair

Aug. 15, 2018

eFlyer: United States

The U.S. eFlyer is a place to find information about domestic Journeys within the United States, undersubscribed U.S. outbound Journeys, and occasional regional conferences and special events. The Journeys listed in the U.S. eFlyer are open to all ambassadors, representing some of the many places where you can experience new cultures and expand your global circle of friends.
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FFI 2019 International Conference

Every member of our club is invited to the International Conference in Boulder Colorado next year: July 23-27, 2019. Club members from around the world will be attending and it will be an opportunity for our club to represent Friendship Force New Mexico and build relationships for future international travel. The committee is asking for individuals who are interested in attending the conference to host 3-4 day pre or post journeys for people from around the world to see our unique land. This is an option and not mandatory to attending the World Conference. If you are interested in attending or hosting please send me an email and I will forward our numbers to the organizers. As details become available, I will send them to our club members. In Friendship, Mark Vaughan